Home » Compositions in Two Genres Project

Compositions in Two Genres Project

Nayeem Ali

Ian Murphy

English 11000

5 May 2022

Genre: Brochure

Audience: My audience is anyone who is possibly struggling to stay healthy or needs some kind of guidance as to where they can start on their journey to become healthier. 

Purpose: I want people to become more self-caring and know that our health is a choice and we can take action to improve our health, and have a better lifestyle because I know how dangerous obesity can be since I have done research on it. 

Genre: Poem

Audience: Children mostly, the reason being I know that obesity is something that’s also pretty common in children and it’s actually something that kids can grow up with and just have it later on in their lives, which is extremely unhealthy because of the diseases, and illnesses possible as well as things they can experience such as bullying. 

Purpose: I want to encourage kids to have a role model or just know that they should be eating healthy for a healthy life otherwise it can be very hard for them later on in life. 

Health is wealth

I am young, I am strong,  I want to be healthy like the Rock.

Eat my serial, eat my veggies, it’s not easy but I got this. 

Health is power, health is my goal, without it I can’t play football.

Football is my dream, in football, we work together as a team and exercise at the gym. 

Gym is fun, because I can run, I am young, but not for too long.

Health is a blessing, I will be using to chase my dreams. 

I am grateful for health because health is wealth. 

I am young, I am strong, I will work harder than the Rock.

Eat my serial, eat my veggies, more than my buddies. 


 Health is power, health is my goal, without it I can’t play football…and I love football!


I wanted to reach both adults and children with my genre compositions because I learned in my research that anyone from children to adults can suffer from obesity and since there are terrible consequnces of obesity, I wanted to inform adults and children about a healthy lifestyle and encourage it so people make better health decisions.  As for how I chose my genre, I wanted to make a brochure because it’s short and informative direct to the point, and nothing too crazy because people usually don’t wanna read something time-consuming. I feel like even some children will be able to understand the brochure, in my brochure, I simply tell people how to attain a healthy lifestyle, and what they should be doing. Since the brochure was mainly for my mature audience, I wanted to make something for children, so I decided to write a poem because it is one of the things children are often exposed to either at home, or school, so I felt like this is one of the ways to reach the children audience. In my poem, I encourage physical activity through a famous person like the Rock and use sport as an incentive pretty much since kids like sports.

Work Cited: 

Krans, Brian. “Balanced Diet: What Is It and How to Achieve It.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 29 June 2020, https://www.healthline.com/health/balanced-diet#what-is-it.